Transaction Splits (otherwise known as "postings") are the "legs" of a transaction. Each transaction has to have at least 2 splits for it to be valid.

1. Account

A split's account specify the place where money is going or coming from. These can be any type of account, such as Assets, Expenses or Income.

2. Amount

This is the total amount of value moving from or into an account. An amount surrounded by parenthesis (ie. (60,000.00 IDR)) means that value is being deducted from the account specified on that posting while an amount with no parenthesis means that value is being added to the account specified on that split.

Amounts specify not just money but any type of asset, such as stocks (ie. AAPL), properties (ie. HOUSE), etc.

<aside> 💡 Note: Alka follows strict accounting principles, therefore the sum of all splits inside a transaction will always amount to zero.


3. Accrual date

This is the date in which the value of a split will be moved from one account to another. By default, you don't need to set an accrual date but this comes in handy in cases such as when paying in advance for services (ie. yearly subscriptions) that you want to be deducted on a periodical basis instead of in a single payment.

4. Labels

Labels inside splits are separate from the labels of a transaction and can be used as another layer of control when tracking finances.

5. Memo