This is are the spaces where the ledger’s information is displayed.

<aside> 💡 How to create new views?


1. Entity table

Smart views can display any available entity (transactions, accounts, postings, etc.) and will have different available fields depending on the selected entity.

1.1 Changing entity table

Click on the pencil icon over the top right corner of the smart view (shortcut: alt + /) and select a new table from the drop down menu on the top left corner of the screen.

2. Smart view’s name

Click on the pencil icon over the top right corner of the smart view (shortcut: alt + /) and click on the smart view name inside the panel that will appear to edit.

3. Display mode

Smart views can have different display modes depending on how data needs to be shown\

3.1 Changing display mode

Click on the pencil icon over the top right corner of the smart view (shortcut: alt + /) and select the desired view mode from the list at the top of the panel that appears.

3.2 Display types

  1. Grid

    ****Shows table data in a simple grid divided into rows and columns.

  2. List

    ****Shows data in a more compact way, good for smaller amounts of items or screen size.

  3. Pivot table

    Generates a custom grid with a specific set of custom parameters that can be arranged in multiple ways, good for generating reports or drilling data more thoroughly.

  4. Chart


  5. Details

    Data is shown one item at a time, good for focusing.

4. Filters

Filters are used to find data with specific values such as description, date, amounts, etc.

4.1 Adding filters

Click on the “Fiters” button (shortcut: /), add the filter you’re looking for and specify the value to look for, ie. “Amount larger than 50”.

4.2 Removing filters

Click on the “Fiters” button (shortcut: /), then click on the “-” icon to the far right of the filter to be removed.

<aside> 💡 View display can be edited via the View Editor.
