A ledger is the financial workspace where you'll be handling your data. Within it, you'll find all your transactions, accounts, views and all the other entities available in Alka.
Each ledger is a separate workspace where your financial data can live.
Some users like to have all their data in a single ledger, while others like to keep things separate, for example when managing both business and personal accounts.
It all boils down to how things work best for you!
Ledgers can be shared between multiple people by inviting them to participate from the settings pages. Each member of a ledger will have access to all the information within a ledger.
All ledgers must have a unique handle that will function as your ledger's address. You can use this address to share the direct link of your ledger (ie. my.alka.app/my-ledger).
Each ledger can be quickly accessed by using their dedicated shortcut. To reference your ledger's shortcut, click on the dropdown menu over the top left corner of the app.