Transactions contain the history of how money moves between different accounts. At a minimum, a transaction has to have a date and two splits (called Postings) that sum up to $0.

More splits can be added depending on the amount of source and destination account

Creating transactions

Transactions are added automatically every time a bank account is synced into Alka through one of it’s connections.

To manually create a transaction, search for the “Create transaction” command in the Omnibar (CMD + K) or press on the “+” icon on the top right corner of the app.

1. Transaction status

Initially, new transactions will be marked as “In Inbox” and similarly to how it’s done with email, this helps differentiate between those transactions that have or haven’t been reviewed.

1.1 Modifying transaction status

<aside> 💡 Protip: You can select multiple transactions at the same time and change any of their values by searching for the right command in the Omnibar (Shortcut: ctrl/cmd + K).


2. Main account

A transaction’s main account usually represents an asset or a liability account and they cannot be modified unless a transaction has been manually created manually or via CSV import.

2.1 Modifying main account

This can be done multiple ways:

<aside> 💡 Protip: You can quickly create a new account by writing your new account’s name inside the field you want to modify.


3. Main amount

The main amount represents the amount shown in the Main account’s posting and can’t be modified unless a transaction has been manually created manually or via CSV import.

3.1 Modifying main amount

This can be done multiple ways: